How To Win His Heart On A Single Line
If you’re a single person calling a chat line, there’s a good chance you’ve been looking for love in all the wrong places. These days, meeting someone in a bar is next to impossible. And what if you don’t even like to drink or get coffee? Dating is a drag, but phone dating makes it easier to meet someone who lives in your area and is also looking for love. But just because you meet a man who checks your boxes and are interested in, it doesn’t mean that he’s interested in you back. You still need to invest time in winning his heart so that the love evolves past the first phone date into a full-blown romance. We are going to give you some pointers on how to win his heart and keep him forever.
Make A Good First Impression
First impressions are everything on a phone date and there are some very concrete ways to make a great one. The first thing you need to do is create a sexy and happy-sounding greeting because this is the first time he’ll hear your voice! Sound upbeat without coming across as too eager. Then, when you get on the phone with him, introduce yourself calmly with a flirty undertone. This will capture his attention and subliminally make him want to know more about you.
Build Trust
Trust is the glue that holds a strong relationship together. Building trust on a phone date is different than a dinner date because there aren’t visual cues to help you out. Mirroring and being open have to come through in your voice. You can build trust by sharing intimate details about your life and asking him questions about his. Make sure to show real interest in the things he is also interested in. When you share details, don’t share anything that could reveal your identity or any financial details for the sake of your own safety. He doesn’t need to know where you live on the first phone date.
The unfortunate thing about phone dating is that there’s a lot of competition. People call these lines all the time, especially when a line has a free trial (which almost all do nowadays), and usually women call for free. It’s nice in that it gives you a lot of options to choose from, but you have to know that he has those same options. So you have to be persistent. This is tricky because persistency can read as being needy which will scare him away. Try to find the fine line between the two by setting future calls, future plans, and by giving him an opportunity to call you again.
Tell Him You Like Him
Take comfort in the fact that he’s as nervous as you. You have to give him some positive reinforcement so that he knows that you are interested in him. Tell him you love talking to him, compliment him, and share that you want to do it again sometime soon. Your expressed interest in him will elevate the way he views you. Plus, everyone likes to be made to feel good and worthy.