8 Ways To Keep The Conversation Going On A Chat Line

In our wildest dreams, a chat line conversation would move like a tennis match between the Williams sisters. Back and forth, constantly moving, with no awkward silences or water breaks. But it’s not always that easy. Sometimes a chat line date can get loose steam and totally break down. What do you do when the conversation trail derails into Awkwardville? It can feel lame when you don’t have much to say on the date and don’t really know where to go, especially when there seems to be potential for a relationship with your chat line match. Before hanging up and wallowing in self-pity, there are a few date topics you can try to bring up to get the ball moving again. Check out our 8 ways to keep the chat line conversation going!
Tell them about a show you just saw
When you watch a show all the way through, there’s so much you have to say about it. Why not bring up a conversation starter that’s full of different ways for you to talk about it? Better yet, pick a show that is really popular at the moment. Maybe your match has seen it too and is dying to gab about it with someone. You could be that person! If not, follow up on your comment by asking about their favorite TV shows.
Bring up your favorite type of music
Been listening to any really good music lately? Some people think that music taste is one of the biggest relationship bonding topics. If you like the same music, it says a lot about you as a pair. If your match hasn’t heard your favorite stuff or that new song you’ve been jamming to at the gym, introduce them to it. Who knows? You may have just turned them onto something they think is really cool, and by proxy, they will think you are really cool too.
Discuss your wild dream from last night
You don’t actually have to have had a wild dream the night before, just pick one from another time that you had a crazy nightmarish experience that had you waking up in a sweat. Or maybe it wasn’t a nightmare at all, maybe you’ve had a dream that you were jamming with The Beatles while eating Skittles in Ireland. Tell your date about the crazy interworkings of your mind. That information is always fascinating and inspires a ton of follow-up questions.
Talk politics
This used to be a dating no-no, but with the wild reality-TV like news that’s been popping up lately, how can you not talk politics these days? Bring up the latest crazy story you saw on the news. Try to pick one that is funnier than traumatic. You don’t want to get too serious on a date with someone. But politics can lend themselves to an entire web of subtopics that will be fun for you to explore.
Admit the awkwardness of phone dating
Dating, especially over the phone, can be really awkward. So why not just call a spade a spade? Your date will appreciate your honesty and probably feel relieved that you brought light to the situation rather than just trying to blow past the tension.
What’s for dinner?
Everyone has to eat, don’t they? Why not ask your date what they are cooking for dinner. You two can even go on a dinner date while you are on the phone. How cute would it be if you cooked or ordered the same thing (remember, your chat line dates are local), set the phone up on speaker, and had a little dinner date for the modern age?
What’s your ideal date?
Asking this question reveals a lot about the person you are speaking with, and it gives you an idea of what you should do if you ever get lucky enough to meet them for an in-person date. Are they the adventurous type, or do they like to kick it at a nice restaurant with a bottle of wine? Find out what your chat line match loves to do. You might even end up planning your first hangout!
How’s quarantine?
We are all going through it. It’s one of the most universal problems the world has ever seen. Within this relatable topic, there is so much to discuss and talk about. Are the kids in a virtual school, have you been able to find toilet paper? Seriously, the conversation topics are endless. With such a loaded question, there’s barely any room for a future lull in the conversation.
Now there is never an excuse for you to have an awkward moment on a chat line date because you’ve got eight whole new directions you can head in when things start to feel a little weird! Just remember that everyone gets awkward and nervous on a date, even one where you can call someone from the comfort of your own home. Staying quick-witted and on your feet is challenging for everybody. So don’t be hard on yourself if you are faced with a lull. Just grab onto one of these topics and take a swing at that dropped ball. The back-and-forth will pick up again.
(If you like this, you’ll love Things Women Love To Talk About On Chat Lines)