How To Get Over Embarrassing Yourself On a Gay Chat Line

By Brad Jeffries on September 28th, 2022 in Chat LinesDating

Although we always try to put our best foot forward, it always seems to happen that sooner or later, we make a fool of ourselves. But if you were just getting close to a lovely lady on a chat line, this can be very embarrassing. We all want to pretend that we are perfect, but one thing we can always count on about being human is that we will definitely make mistakes. And we can choose to let these mistakes mortify us or fortify us to improve. The choice is up to each of us. There are a few ways to ensure that you will grow from your mistakes and not shrivel. 


Know That Everyone Makes Mistakes

When the worst happens and you make a fool of yourself, first know that everyone makes mistakes at some point or other. Own your mistakes so that you can get over them more speedily, but also know that you are in good company since everyone is in the same boat. No one is perfect, and you can take comfort in knowing that for a fact. If it hasn’t happened yet, odds are that even the person on the other end of the chat line will embarrass themselves in some way. 


Change the Subject

If you have embarrassed yourself on a gay chat line, it is a good idea to change the subject so that you can get over it. You don’t want to dwell on the problem, or mention it over and over. If it is something that you need to apologize for, then do so and move on. If it is more of a slip up, then just pretend it didn’t happen and keep on going. Changing the subject is a necessary tactic for dealing with embarrassing situations. 


Expect Empathy

The odds are in your favor that if you have been chatting with a nice lady that she will offer you empathy for the embarrassing situation. You would not expect someone you met on a gay phone date to bring the hammer down on you, so don’t be afraid to ask for and receive some grace. Most women are willing to overlook mistakes, which can happen to anyone on occasion. And if the person on the other end of the phone doesn’t offer you grace, it is better for you to learn that sooner rather than later. 


Move Forward in Peace

At the end of the day, no one is perfect and you need to just make peace with that. Get over the idea that everything is ruined, and make a fresh start on the next phone call. Moving forward in peace will keep you happy and content, even in the face of difficulties.


Everyone experiences embarrassment at one time or another, and it’s especially tough to get over in dating. But, you always end up finding a way with time. So don’t beat yourself up, there are plenty of fish in the sea and you will find your match that loves you for you on a chat line!