How to Ask for Phone Sex on a Chat Line

Chat lines are different from phone sex lines in that chat lines are for everyday people. The person on the other end of the chat line is not a sex worker nor a phone sex operator. If you are engaged in a chat line that is not specifically for phone sex, it might be difficult or altogether confusing to figure out how to get your jollies with a match! But, you are not alone. Most people that use chat lines are looking for sex in one way or another, whether it’s immediate or in the future. While you are prowling the chat line universe, chances are you’ll come across a match (or several) who are looking to get it on but don’t want to make the first move. How do you ask without offending someone or getting shot down? How do you start the conversation? How do you refrain from sounding creepy? We’ve come up with a guide on how to have phone sex on a chat line that answers all those questions and more!
So, you’re feeling horny.
Don’t feel ashamed of feeling in the mood. Calling a chat line when you are horny is perfectly reasonable. People may wonder, why not just call a phone sex line? We completely understand why: phone sex lines can feel ingenuine. Maybe you are the kind of person who needs to know that the other person is actually having a great time rather than simply acting! Or, maybe you are looking for a relationship (fuckbuddy or otherwise) with someone who you know is good at phone sex and you want to put him/her to the test.
Make your greeting hot (but not too hot).
Without scaring someone off, add some sexy elements to your greeting that are suggestive without being overtly obvious. You can record something nonchalant in your sexy voice and potentially add a phrase like, “looking to play tonight,” to the end of your greeting. It lets people know that you are in a sexy mood without turning them off or creeping them out.
[Related: Chat Line Tricks to Sound Hotter Over the Phone]
Start with a softball.
Chat lines are for all kinds of people. There may even be some sexy match who doesn’t realize they are looking for phone sex until they talk to you! To increase your chances of meeting someone who is down for some phone sex, start off with a twinge of sexuality in your language rather than a whole shebang. Why? Imagine you are on the receiving end of a phone call from a local single stranger, and he/she asks you, “Tryna fuck?!” It’s very startling and sets a pretty creepy tone for the entire conversation. So, be more subtle. You can introduce the idea of phone sex by saying, “I rarely call these chat lines, just was feeling sensual. Are you into that kind of thing?” You don’t even have to define exactly what you mean (unless the other person asks) because, in most cases, your match will either react negatively or positively to the question. If he/she acts positively to the softball, it’s probably a thumbs up!
Flirt for a hot sec.
We know that you are burning with passion and ready to go, but allow for a little flirty conversation to ensue before things get… touchy. It allows your match to get comfortable speaking with you. Comfortable people are way better at performing phone sex than uncomfortable people are. That’s just science! So, do yourself a favor and get your flirt on.
[Related: Most Attractive Traits to Have While Flirting on a Chat Line]
Start by telling your match what you’d do to them.
Once you know that it’s on, you can initiate phone sex without asking for it and killing the mood. If you know that your match is comfortable, you can start by telling him/her what you’d like to do to him/her sexually. Giving him/her the first turn will get them in the mood. We suggest starting with foreplay. Phone sex is a verbal art, and adding descriptive foreplay is going to make your partner super horny. As a bonus, it’ll make you feel hotter too!