Phone Date Ideas For Phone Partners!

Sometimes traveling to your love interest is not in the cards at the moment and that is okay. If you met on a chat line and only have the option to date via chat line, there are still many fun things that you can do together. Think of the fact that you cannot meet in person right away as a positive; you have the opportunity to really delve deep and learn a lot about the person on the other side of the phone prior to meeting up with them. This is going to be invaluable to building a strong foundation upon which to base your relationship on. It IS possible to go on a fantastic date via phone line, you just need to come up with a few ideas in order to do so. Since we know you are busy, we have decided to come up with a list of chat line date ideas for you so that you don’t have to stress or overcomplicate things. Just remember, even though she cannot see your facial expressions, we guarantee you she will pick up on the inflections in your voice and listen closely to your replies, thus cueing her in on whether or not you are fully present on this date and whether or not you are giving it/her the attention that she needs/deserves. In other words, don’t sit there playing video games with her as your background noise. Not cool, boys!
Watch a Movie ‘Together’
That’s right. We said it. Watch a movie. Why not? This is a classic date night move and although you won’t be awarded with cuddles and handholds it can still be pretty fun to watch a movie with someone you are or might be into via chat line. Haven’t you ever “sat down” with your best friend to watch a movie through the phone while living in different states? No? Just us? Well, we promise you that this will be an effective and stress free date. You can even invite her out to a movie in a really cute way if you get a little creative with it. It is definitely better to pick a movie that you can both watch at home, that way you do not disturb the other people in the movie theatre (how annoying is it when people are talking or texting during a movie….especially now that it costs about $30 per person to go to the movies (including snacks)) and you have the ability and freedom to discuss before/during/and after the movie. You could even ask her to send you a picture of her sitting alone on her couch and photoshop yourself in, sending it back to her as your “first date photograph.” She is sure to swoon over this, even though she is far away.
Go ‘Sight-Seeing’
Maybe you have never been to the city in which she lives, and vice-a-versa. Why not ‘show her around’ by giving her a phone tour? Some of the best dates center around one person knowing what they are doing and the other one having a completely new experience. It’s kind of like you are being guided through your date! This is actually two dates in one. Maybe the first Saturday you can show her around your city and then the next Saturday she can show you around hers. Depending on where she takes you, you are bound to learn a lot about what she values and what she enjoys doing. Is she a nature lover? Does she prefer to stay indoors? What is she passionate about? This date (aside from being a blast and costing far less than a plane ticket, a train ticket, or gas money) will be so informative to the both of you!
Have a Phone Dinner Date
Take her out to dinner without actually having to get out of your PJ’s and off of your couch. If you happen to be able to finagle yourself into grabbing her address, (maybe you can do so by telling her you want to send her something special one day or making your relationship more personal by sending some handwritten notes,) you can always plan to have a phone date that night and surprise her with some Postmates or UberEats. If this is not a possibility or if there are too many variables that you are worried about like the fact that she may have already made or brought home her dinner, or worse yet, she ends up hating the food that you had delivered to her, then take this opportunity to learn a little more about your chat line date. One night you both can eat one of her favorite meals and the next night you guys can eat your favorite meal. Better yet, you can teach her how to cook your meal and she can teach you how to cook hers. Then you guys can send one another pictures of the final product and sit down at the (nicely decorated for the sake of your photograph) table for some grub and pleasant conversation.
(If you liked this, you’ll love Worst Places to Take Your Chat Line Date)